Congratulations to Phuong, who received a CEI graduate fellowship! This fellowship funds exceptional researchers from departments across UW to apply their talents to clean energy research projects, participate in outreach activities, and develop professional skills.

Congratulations to Leo Zasada on his recent paper in JACS! We show that discrete metal–organic macrocycles retain many of the cool properties of conductive 2D MOFs but with enhanced processability. Many thanks to collaborators, including the Luscombe and Seidler labs. Check it out here!

We are excited to welcome undergraduate Jonathan, who started earlier this fall, as well as our autumn rotation students Andrei and Robert (October) and Emily and Phuong (November). Our group meetings are open to all interested first year students, and are held on Mondays at 4PM in the 4th floor CHB conference room (see here for the group meeting schedule).